Sunday, November 08, 2009

Rain Rain Stay Along... Keep Coming another day!

I really am loving it! The rains. Finally, I could get back to my DVD closet and my Book bureau. Today: The Bourne Series with bowls of Haldiram's Aloo Lachcha. Yesterday - was on Bhasa trip. Finished reading Karna Bharam, Uru Bangham & Duta Vakyam. The last one especially rocked! Been on a trip of Sanskrit works (of course in English translations). Last week - Chandrapida Charitram (for the uninitiated KADAMBARI by Bana Bhatta of the Harshvardhan court fame!) The poetry is spell-binding, to say the least. And last weekend - Mudrarakshsha. Intriguing and tempting you to stage!

Well, lemme see what tomorrow brings!


Anonymous said...

May rains and thy elite reads continue sir Doc!

How is life???

RS said...

Next time you are jobless, I would suggest you read Thiruvarangan Ula. It tells how 14000 people died for a temple and its God. (Its in Tamil ofcourse)

Krishna Kumar. S said...

Too late in coming this comment! I shall check the book out. Meanwhile, next time send in your comments sooner before the rains stop! :))